
I'm Hoping for an Internet Porn Scandal.

That way we can stop pretending that she's a responsible choice.

I mean, what does McCain think? That we'll all say, "Oh, she's just a girl's girl! Look how pretty she is!" And that'll make us overlook the fact that she's basically a Nascar Dad (the scariest voting category) in pumps?

Yes. Yes, I think that's exactly what he's hoping we'll do.

Well no, thank you, you old goat. I'll take the other ticket with pleasure.

This McCain/Lady ticket kind of reminds me of this scenario from the Best Movie Ever.

"We have so much in common; we both love soup and snow peas and talking and not talking."

And seriously, if I hear one more Mormon-Mother-of-Eight say, "Oh, I think she's just great! She seems so relateable!" I'm going to punch her in her heavily made up face. These are the same people who voted for Bubba W Bush because, "I'd like to have him over for BBQ!"

(To whom I say, "Well, you dumbshit, unless you regularly entertain HEADS OF STATE and LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD in your double-wide at the Whispering Winds trailer park, alllow me to suggest that you might be voting for the WRONG REASONS! I don't care if W can stack 16 Pringles in his mouth at one time and then pound a 40 of King Cobra. That's NOT a quality we should look for in the POTUS.")



lisagh said...

Harlan Pepper... if you don't stop naming nuts...

peanut, hazelnut, cashew nut, macadamia nut...

Mr. McCain - totally nuts.

Erin said...

But isn't it just like an old-boy Republican to think that we're going to vote for her because she's a woman. What a window into the inner-workings of Washington: Dumb as shit.

Cindy said...

Well said. I think it's such an insulting choice that I just want to puke I hope it will come back to bite him in the ass.

Reminds me of my mom who remarked about Al Gore (I'm still not over that one) "He's just so stiff!" because she heard someone on the television say that so figured it must be a relevant observation.

That really was the funniest movie.

Kate said...

Well, she makes Anne Coulter look postively ladylike by comparison:P I agree with Cindy - she is a horribly insulting choice.

fastgrrrl said...

Yes. Agreed on all the complaints and concerns about Palin.

But this is what I really want to say:

Snow peas and not talking? YES! Brilliant, KGB. You nailed it.

Wasatch Girl said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Wow, this is one of my favorite posts of all time. If only I could write like you....

Jen Yu said...

I love this. You are spot on and I'll be right behind you cracking my knuckles to punch those idiot women after you are done. How utterly insulting to women that THIS is his choice? More Repub glamorization of aiming low and promoting stupidity over sense... I have to see that movie.