
Now I'm back for reals.

The Outdoor Retailer trade show was fantastic. I worked hard to "build support" (read: raise ad dollars) for my company, and as I listened, in meetings and in line-for-espresso-smalltalk, to the industry buzz about what we've been doing lately, I felt really proud. People like the site; they like our movies. It seems like they want more of what we have to offer, which has me smiling and psyched about my career.

I saw some wonderful old friends at the show, and got really excited about rock climbing again. I also got pretty psyched about fashion-to-come, thanks to these sheep, who gave me some very cool clothes, via their man, Jason, and Lululemon, which invited me to a design focus group the day before the show. And after OR, I was involved in a photo shoot for Isis, a company that designs clothing for women, so I've been in the mountains for the past two days, wearing next summer's clothes to climb and play and ride my longboard and hop on Tyrolean traverses while my friend, Chris, shot photos. Arnie and Red were with me, too, playing in the water and snuggling into my sleeping bag. It was the easiest money I've ever made, and it was a great way to relax after OR. I'll share photos as I see them.

I'm back at my desk this morning, though, and about to start following up on my OR meetings.

Hope everyone's well, and now that my schedule will be a bit more normal, I'll be around to write more often.

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