
Chalk Up Another Victory for Abstinence-Only Education!


Apparently withholding condoms and sex-ed from teenagers leads to exactly what everyone wants: marrying off your knocked-up 17-year old as you try to convince the nation that you're mother of the year.

And this Levi fellow, what a Prince Charming! A self-described, "f---ing redneck who loves snowboarding and riding dirt bikes," Levi enjoys "shooting the shit" with his friends.

Here's the thing, though, Obama made a very classy statement about how we should leave families out of this discourse, how it's not really fair to be attacking the choices of a teenager.

As always, a wise and fair and charitable thing to say. It smacks of progress, of kindness, of peace and understanding.

So even though I'm dying to say, "See? My blog was RIGHT! I KNEW there'd be a scandal!" I'm not going to gloat. Because let's face it: when you're 17, it's bad enough to fuck up and get caught by your parents. Imagine if the whole nation was coming down on you.


Elliott said...

Apparently Palin was in Texas the day she gave birth. She started leaking amniotic fluid before her speech. She GAVE THE DANG SPEECH, got "permission" from her doctor to FLY BACK TO ALASKA, drove an hour and then went into the hospital. Either the story is completely fishy or the woman has the vagina muscles of a gladiator.

lisagh said...

This whole thing unfolding like a bad movie of the week.

Cindy said...

A girlfriend of mine put it well: "It's a gift" that John McCain has given the Democrats and anyone with a sense of humor. Nice of him, no?

Anonymous said...

Just because Obama decides to play nice doesn't mean you have to. I come here looking for Truth, Justice and the KBG Way of Life.

Paige Jennifer said...

A commentator said the slogan for abstinence should read:

Just Say KNOW

Oh well. Palin has other problems like, um, being investigated for wrongfully terminating an employee. Something linked to her sister's divorce. Or, more importantly, McCain has beaten death twice and no one would want to risk her as Prez by default. Not even the Repubs.

Okay, I'm done. For now.

Unknown said...

a must read email that has been circulating...


Anonymous said...

I heard that the Enquirer sent a team of "investigative" reporters to research an infidelity rumor. Funny.
It seems the GOP can spin shit into sugar, and I'm a little nervous about this election.

Jen Yu said...

I'm so utterly disgusted with the Repub spin on this bs. Or perhaps I'm so disgusted with the American public that laps it up like crack.

Jessica said...

well said.