I love it when the dogs outnumber the people.
I drove to Summit Park today to tour around with Polly and her entirely precious little MiraGirl. Fortunately, when I arrived, Polly allowed me ample time to hold the baby, cuddle the baby, talk to the baby and watch the baby scoot about on her little quilt on the floor, all the while marvelling at how this beautiful child is really very special. I mean, considering that Handsome Brooklyn (the friendly lab pictured here with his elegant sister Greta)
frequently wandered past Mira and licked her aacross the face - without Mira minding a bit - I think she's obviously a future Dog Whisperer at the very least.
We skinned from the house, which was superb. Up one peak, down again, over to another and down that, all without starting a car.
The boys had a great day, too. (As I write this, they're sound asleep by the fire. In fact, only Brad is nearer to the fire than they are.) Nearly five hours moving through deep snow, and neither of them slowed down at all. I'm very proud. Arnie wsa obviously very tired at the end, though, because he let his guard down and actually made eye contact for, like, the first time ever.
Well, he makes eye contact with me all the time, but seldom with anyone else, and never with the camera. He's like an indigenous villager who thinks that cameras steal souls. (Is that unPC? You know, to suggest that indigenous villagers don't know what cameras are? I mean, only say that because it's sort of true in my experience.....but if you're offended, I apologize. But, well, I guess, get used to it, because this is my blog. How bitchy!)
At the top of one peak, Polly decided that Mira should wear her goggles for the big descent:
What a Park City grom - sheepskin hat, down outfit, paparazzi shades. She's ready for Sundance.
Tired of waiting for me to make photo, the dogs took charge of the group and discussed the path of descent.
Red's impatience with me continued.
Even Arnie was getting bored. Can you see him sighing in this picture? He was.
I can see their point. It was getting late and weather was moving in. The boys needed treats, a couch and woodstove. I felt the same.
But I found time for one more Arnie portrait. I call this one Arnie Make Havoc. Get it?
Thanks for a great day, Polly!
Yup, I definitely NEED to get a Golden.
Real cute dogs you got there. Do they bite?
Yes, P.J., you do need a Golden. (Of course, I'm of the belief that if everyone only had a Golden Achiever, no one would ever get stressed, get angry, start wars, etc.
North Central PA ("God's Country" I think they call it?) is PERFECT Golden territory. Lots of squirrels, birdies, rabbits to chase. Lots of rednecks to say, "that's a might fine looking animal. Yuh fattening him up to eat?"
Kidding about that. I actually love North Central PA.
Yes, my new friend, I see a Golden in your future.
Yup, Andrew, they both bite a lot. Red is biting a pizza crust right now (Dammit, Brad!) and Arnie is biting a toy hedgehog. DON'T GET TOO CLOSE. They're unpredictable. You never know when they're gona go bad....
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