

Most people – especially in Utah – don’t know that I foster an intense love of all things silly. It overtakes me at times, cracking me up in the middle of a conversation, a meeting, an inopportune time. Most of the time it’s remembered references to my youth, when my brother and I lost it over the Muppets, Saturday Night Live, the Simpsons (“That’s where I saw the leprechaun…he told me to burn things!”). This clip, from Sesame Street, was – and remains – one of our favorites:


I mean, the turtleneck? Hilarious.

We especially like when Kermit loses it and his arms go all floppy. Our recent faves include Arrested Development ("These are my awards, Mother, from Army. The Seal is for Marksmanship, and the Gorilla is for sand racing.”) and the Family Guy…these are hilarities I’ll probably never share with Brad; his sense of humor is usually fairly different than mine.I admire him for his focus and drive, and hopefully he’ll find reason to admire me for my ability to laugh myself to tears at a one-handed man-child born of a frigid alcoholic and a crook. Tears: a magician named Gob. Tears: Tobias. Brad seems to find the silly, well, silly, even as I delight in it.

But back to the Muppets, can you get over this one?


Again, the turtlenecks are just too much.

Two nights ago, Brad and I were watching the Daily Show (I think we should be friends with Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert). In trying to explain how shabby his upbringings were, thus upstaging Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Colbert referenced his father, “the poor, Virginia turd farmer,” and his grandfather, “a goat ball licker.” Brad was laughing so hard he was emitting no sound at all, just rolling around on the floor and clutching his stomach. I laughed so hard I almost threw up.

Here’s my favorite writer right now: Jen Lancaster. I LAUGH out LOUD. Read her stuff; you will, too.

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