
Older and Wiser

Earth Verse
-Gary Snyder

Wide enough to keep you looking
Open enough to keep you moving
Dry enough to keep you honest
Prickly enough to make you tough
Green enough to go on living
Old enough to give you dreams

Because there’s always something bigger, something more powerful, something that matters a hell of a lot more than the reason for the tears or hopelessness.

And even after dark, when old demons come calling and fear fills the hollows, the truth is: it’s fine. Breathe. Stretch. Love and love fearlessly. Allow yourself to be vulnerable without thinking that your vulnerability will last forever. Allow yourself to move past anger without thinking that you have to be right. When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter who's right. What matters is that at the end of the day, there's love, friendship and compassion.

Allow yourself to trust completely.

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